Thursday, September 24, 2015

Almost a year old!

My Baby girl's 1 year old birthday facts.

She's not a year old yet, but she will be soon! :')

Pictures say a thousand words.  I love this girl. Her personality is really beginning to bloom. She has learned how to shake her head "no" - and not just sort of shake her head. She REALLY shakes her head in opposition to things she does not like...or does not like to hear. 

Like when I put her on the diaper changing table. Or when I take away a book from her (because she chews and eats the paper), or just recently she turned down food by shaking her head. She is a little protester in the making I can see that. 

How will I ever survive if it has already begun this early. I really don't know how I can do it, but hope that it is just a phase and will fade in time...