Sunday, August 23, 2015

Let Your Light Shine!

We are energy.   <3
The us without the power of God (the world teaches us we are powerless).  

Today I'm taking up the challenge to "Let My Light Shine" as I read here in the first presidency message, given by Thomas S. Monson Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

And as we read about here in Matthew 5:14-16

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

The key in that scripture is not to glorify ourselves. Rather, it is to glorify our Father who is in Heaven. We all know that we are powerful. Yet most of us only know this at the unconscious level. The reason this knowledge remains unconscious for most of us is because we are taught at a young age that being different is wrong. When we let our light shine, when we speak our truth, it will put us at odds with most of the human race. It will probably put us at odds with some of our closest associates least at first.

The first step of making a change is always the hardest. Stepping closer rather than further away from the light may, like Nephi in the Book of Mormon, cause many around us to question our motives. Many (who are not of the light, and cannot comprehend the light) will misjudge our efforts to live closer to the spirit because "the darkness comprehendeth it not" (John 1:5).

As we recognize our powerful potential to act and not just be acted upon, as we recognize that this power is for ALL (not just the "righteous") who believe on his name, as we recognize the promptings that we receive to "live in the light" and follow it - we will become what we are.

But this takes COURAGE. Being who you REALLY are (not what the world tells you you really are...because there is a huge difference, and one that can be hard to detect if we are not seeking the light) is not the easy path.

If you want an easy path, look for the gate that is wide and easy to see - a path that nearly everyone is following.

So I challenge YOU. It's time to reaccess where you ARE. Right NOW. Not where you think you are, or where you want to be, or where you desire to be. Where are you?

Most importantly WHO are you? Have you thought about it lately?

One question has the power to unlock infinite power. That power is God's power. He wants us to live our life's purpose. He wants us to be happy, be free, be who we are. He DOESN'T want us to be oppressed, powerless, optionless, and miserable. That is not what Christ's gospel is about. His gospel is all about FREEDOM and power (to act) and not be acted upon. So come on people. Lets start a revolution. Lets KNOW ourselves. Lets ask the hard questions. Then make the required changes.

There is so much happiness in store for us if we would only but look to the light. This world has grown much too dark for my liking. I am sure that if you could see how beautiful and glorious the truth really is you would be saying the same thing. Maybe you already do. So what is holding you back.


Let your light shine! Quit being ashamed of the goodness of God. Or he will take even that which he has given us. He loves us, and wants us to carry that message of love to others so that they can feel his goodness, too. If you have felt the song of redeeming love, sing it. Sing it for all to hear and don't be ashamed.

Alluring sunlight reflects upon the glassy ocean waves casting dazzling flashes of lights resembling sparkling diamonds in the sea. A photograph by artist Michael Rock
God's love is infinite - so why do we keep ourselves from receiving it? It is all right here. To receive his power is to receive his love.